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Reflective Journal

Observation 10 - 21/12/21

Subject (Practical or Theory): Practical - Woodwork Class Profile & Details: TY class, 24 students of mixed ability // 6th yr students...

Observation 9 - 21/12/21

Subject (Practical or Theory): Practical - Home Economics Class Profile & Details: Two year groups in one class - 3rd years (3 students)...

Observation 8 - 3/12/21

Subject (Practical or Theory): Practical - Art Class Profile & Details: TY class, 24 students, mixed ability, mixed gender Duration of...

Observation 7 - 2/12/21

Subject (Practical or Theory): Practical - Hairdressing Workshop Class Profile & Details: TYs, mixed gender, 24 students Duration of...

Observation 6 - 18/11/21

Subject (Practical or Theory): Practical Class Profile & Details: 6 LCA, mixed gender mixed ability, 8 students Duration of Lesson:...

Observation 5 - 16/11/21 (SLAR)

Subject (Practical or Theory): SLAR Class Profile & Details: 3rd year classes of both host teachers Duration of Lesson: Single (1 hour)...

Observation 4 - 4/11/21

Subject (Practical or Theory): Art Practical Class Profile & Details: 3rd Years, 24 students, CBA booklet project - small group...

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