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Observation 7 - 2/12/21

Subject (Practical or Theory): Practical - Hairdressing Workshop

Class Profile & Details: TYs, mixed gender, 24 students

Duration of Lesson: Single (1 hour)

Professional teaching skills and ability

  • Great attitude + enthusiasm with learning content, ready to answer any questions

  • Confidence + projection + classroom management were all very good

  • Interesting links between content and other areas of learning eg. how to open a banana - addressing common misconceptions on how to do things

  • Knew how to make content seem exciting with introduction of materials after a brief introduction, showing interesting videos + asking questions that students would have experience with - knew where to give useful information about hair health

Classroom management

  • Good control of class - hands off the heads when not instructed to work - good at getting students attention, using hand gestures, addressing noise volume + silencing class after practical exercises. Chatting to students about hair / related topics - good rapport with class.


Presentation of learning content

  • Used many different methods - power point with different prompt questions, information and video clips, whole class lecture on important info, class discussion + questioning, demonstration to groups + individual help to those struggling.

Effectiveness of planning

  • Delivery was excellently paced + broken down into achievable chunks of theory + practical tasks - sense of ease with their delivery as this workshop must have been done many times before - well rehearsed + expected problems to arise + had solutions ready.

Assessment and evaluation of pupils work in class

  • Went around individually to see that all had successfully completed each task, asked for anyone struggling to come up to their demo area to get a better understanding, questioning led to class discussions which led to next power point slide answering these questions.

Any additional comments on what you learned from the observation class?

  • Excellently paced due to prior planning + experience doing this workshop with other groups

  • Made good links to students’ everyday lives + how hair health is affected

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