Subject (Practical or Theory): Practical - Hairdressing Workshop
Class Profile & Details: TYs, mixed gender, 24 students
Duration of Lesson: Single (1 hour)
Professional teaching skills and ability
Great attitude + enthusiasm with learning content, ready to answer any questions
Confidence + projection + classroom management were all very good
Interesting links between content and other areas of learning eg. how to open a banana - addressing common misconceptions on how to do things
Knew how to make content seem exciting with introduction of materials after a brief introduction, showing interesting videos + asking questions that students would have experience with - knew where to give useful information about hair health
Classroom management
Good control of class - hands off the heads when not instructed to work - good at getting students attention, using hand gestures, addressing noise volume + silencing class after practical exercises. Chatting to students about hair / related topics - good rapport with class.
Presentation of learning content
Used many different methods - power point with different prompt questions, information and video clips, whole class lecture on important info, class discussion + questioning, demonstration to groups + individual help to those struggling.
Effectiveness of planning
Delivery was excellently paced + broken down into achievable chunks of theory + practical tasks - sense of ease with their delivery as this workshop must have been done many times before - well rehearsed + expected problems to arise + had solutions ready.
Assessment and evaluation of pupils work in class
Went around individually to see that all had successfully completed each task, asked for anyone struggling to come up to their demo area to get a better understanding, questioning led to class discussions which led to next power point slide answering these questions.
Any additional comments on what you learned from the observation class?
Excellently paced due to prior planning + experience doing this workshop with other groups
Made good links to students’ everyday lives + how hair health is affected