Subject (Practical or Theory): Art Practical
Class Profile & Details: 3rd Years, 24 students, CBA booklet project - small group presentations
Duration of Lesson: Single (1 hour)
Professional teaching skills and ability
Great management of the class seen through entry system + introduction to lesson - students understood what was expected of them and were alert throughout the lesson while maintaining a quiet atmosphere
Students called down to the back table for small group presentations were at random - all students in the class prepared for the possibility of presenting their work, resulting in more drive + focus of students in working on cba booklets.
Use of peer evaluation linked in key skills of communication + cooperation/ literacy + oracy
Teacher’s use of artistic + professional language in feedback and questioning was evidence of learning intentions + respect for students' work.
Classroom management
Created a working environment in the classroom where students felt the responsibility + confidence to carry out their work while teacher was at the back talking with the small groups
Quiet classroom informed by the teacher’s presence and expectations for students to behave in a respectful and professional manner
Student’s came up to teacher’s desk at start of class to explain not having materials in / work done - honesty + mutual respect between students and teacher = resolved conflicts and preemptive solutions / agreements made
Presentation of learning content
Lesson format was explained clearly at beginning of lesson (going to the back table in small groups to present booklets)
Students understood what they were supposed to be presenting if called - evidence of past lessons being essential in teaching students the expected layout + content of the cba booklets.
Effectiveness of planning
Teacher had a folder with individual sheets for each student to tick boxes as they present their work to get a sense of what further work needs to be done / adjusted // to give feedback / to keep track of where students are
Assessment and evaluation of pupils work in class
Group presentations allowed teacher to ask each student in each group to give a piece of feedback to those presenting = feedback from both teacher and peers
Checklist of requirements allowed for a clear indicator of what needs to be worked on
Any additional comments on what you learned from the observation class?
I really admired the ability of the teacher to maintain such an environment that was both focused and hardworking while also being quiet and peaceful - shows a longstanding respect + trust of the teacher by students
I also liked the format of small group critiques taking place as assessment - seemed to be one of the most successful comprehensive methods of evaluation while not taking so much time talking individually to students, though wouldn’t be appropriate for all classes / non exam year groups.